
sbaleno, sbohem

Za par hodin budu sedet na letisti v airbusu a cekat na to, az se odpoji rampa pro cestujici, zavrou dvere a letadlo bude rolovat na ranvej. Docela zvlastni pocit. Ani nemuzu poradne spat, urcite bych ten odlet zaspal 🙂

Dekuju vsem, kteri se se mnou prisli ve stredu rozloucit k Houdkum. Zdravim ty, ktere se mi naopak videt nepodarilo, snad to vyjde aspon na tu welcome party 🙂 No a samozrejme posilam pozdravy i tem, kteri uz jsou davno pryc a uzivaji si svych zahranicnich zkusenosti davno prede mnou!

Batoh se na me smutne diva z kouta, asi uz je cas doprat mu trochu pohybu. Mejte se tu hezky, za chvili jsem zpatky…


tomorrow is the day

It’s August 31, my last day in the Czech Republic. I’m just thinking of the weeks and months in front of me and I realized I’m not scared. I’m only looking forward to it so much!

It will be my first flight, my first time heading southwest, my first time celebrating Christmas somewhere else than at home… But nothing to be scared of!

So, Costa Rica, here I am! 🙂


posledni den na koleji

Jak jsem psal uz v minulem (anglickem) prispevku, je to zvlastni pocit vytahat vsechny veci ze skrini a supliku, naskladat je na postel a snazit se je vsechny nacpat do baglu a batohu. Ani tak nejde o ten pocit, ze to prece nemam sanci odvezt, ale spise o to, ze konci zase jedna kapitola. Na RK jsem stravil 16 mesicu a absolutne si nestezuju. Neni to moc, ale mel jsem sanci za tu dobu bydlet s nekolika velmi dobrymi lidmi, propotit nejedno tricko u pingpongoveho stolu nebo v posilce (ano, skutecne 🙂 a nebo taky jenom posedet dole v klubu u pivka.

Na pristi skolni rok jsem kolej nedostal, ostatne stejne bych ji nevyuzil. Aspon vim, ze po prijezdu si mam rovnou hledat bydleni, minimalne na zbyvajici dobu svych studii, a ne jen jako docasne utociste a “postel na prespani” jak jsem doted svoje bydleni na koleji vnimal (jediny rok, kdy jsem mel neco na zdi, byl ten rok na Jarove G, kdy jsem nemohl nechat Kyslikovy spartanske plakaty bez povsimnuti..).

A taky uz vim, ze muj pristi monitor bude LCD..


going to IC

On Friday I am going to visit the International Congress 2006 in Poland so that I could see the Global Village with 95 countries in one place and also to see my friends that have spread all around the world. I’m so looking forward to it!

Now I’m getting ready for the trip, packing my EuroXPro2006 jersey, flag and also all other things that I’m taking home since I’ll leave the dorms on Thursday. It’s so weird feeling to get my things out of wardrobes and try to put them all into three bags.. I think I’m going to miss the dorm life soon..


first post in english

Ok, one of my friends has persuaded me to start blogging in english. I promised her to write from time to time some of my thoughts and experience I get also in the second language so that anyone can read them – but I also promised not to stop writing in my native one (Czech). You know, I also have to take my parents and some friends into consideration and they would not like me if I stopped writing in the language I was grown up with.

So here is a small recap of the recent posts – I spent July with working and travelling throughout the whole country, I visited several cities I have been before but so loong time ago (Karlovy Vary, Karvina), I spent a lot of time with my friends from high school and also university and I also started preparing myself for a big trip – going to Costa Rica for a traineeship.

I hope you will like my blog, my pictures that are about to come soon and also keep me informed about every news that happens to you 🙂


nic se nedeje?

Vazne ne… Akorat sedim v praci od nevidim do nevidim… Chjo, uz jen posledni 3 tydny…