
stredoamericka mafie / central american mafia

Ne, nebojte, nebudu vas strasit, to jenom pocet Cechoslovaku v teto casti sveta se opet trochu zvysil..

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No, don’t be afraid, we just increased the number of Czechoslovaks in this part of the world..


ostrava cerna, devucha verna

Na (a den predtim i v tistenem vydani) vysel pomerne dobry a kupodivu i objektivne pojaty clanek o Ostrave. I ja jako mistni patriot sem se dozvedel nekolik novinek.

Ale diskuzi u clanku nectete, je to snuska kecu a vzajemneho obvinovani mezi obyvateli Prahy, Brna a Ostravy. Zvlastni, ze temer nikde nikdo verejne neprojevuje jakoukoli antipatii vuci Plzni, Hradci Kralove, Ceskym Budejovicim nebo Usti nad Labem..

Odkaz je tady.

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I’m sorry about english-speaking visitors, but (in short) there is a link to an electronic version of an article in Czech newspaper about my home town, Ostrava, which describes its unique beauty and some not well-known facts. Even though the author is not from this region..


pump it!

Nedelam to casto (vlastne vubec), ale myslim, ze tenhle obrazek si svoje umisteni na hlavni strance zaslouzi..

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I don’t do it often (well, never), but I think this picture deserves its location on the main page..



Znova jsem si nedavno precetl Duruv prispevek nazvany “pure happiness”. Ne, bohuzel jsem jeste nenasel hospodu, kde by tocili ceske (nebo aspon jakekoli jine evropske) pivo. Muj prispevek se ale bude tykat neceho jineho.

Uz je to mesic, co jsem se ocitl v nadherne zemi, stovky kilometru daleko. Za tu dobu se me spousta lidi zeptala, jaka je tady priroda, jestli se mi libi mistni devcata, jak dlouho tady budu a taky jestli jsem stastny. Pomerne dlouho mi tyhle otazky (ok, tak minimalne aspon ta posledni) vrtaly hlavou.

Muzu byt stastny, ze jsem si splnil jeden ze svych snu o cestovani. Ze pomalu ale jiste objevuju skryte krasy jineho prostredi a spolecnosti. Ze mi cas straveny tady tak trochu otevira oci a ukazuje moznosti vseho toho, co muzu delat v budoucnosti. Ze se muzu angazovat v aktivitach, ktere mam rad a se kterymi muzu ostatnim pomoct. Ze jsem nasel partu bezvadnych pratel, kterym je jedno, ze jedinym pojitkem je pobyt ve stejnem case na stejnem miste..

Anglictina ale rozlisuje trochu podrobneji – vyse uvedene se hodi spise k vyrazu ‘be lucky’, coz se casteji preklada jako ‘mit stesti’ (po nasemu ‘mit haluz’ 🙂 Zatimco pocit stesti se da vyjadrit jako ‘happiness’ – proto ten titulek.. Minuly tyden jsem se dokonce naucil odhadovat miru stesti na stupnici od jedne do desiti (i kdyz Martin, muj predchudce tady, to asi spise vztahoval k hladine alkoholu.. 🙂

Je tezke zodpovedet dost komplexni otazku jednim slovem.. Ale – jo, jsem stastny. Ze mam kde bydlet, co jist, co na praci a ze na me v Cesku zatim porad jeste nezapomneli.. A je to docela fajn pocit.. 🙂

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I have recently read Duro’s blogpost named ‘pure happiness’. No, I haven’t found a pub with draught Czech (or any European) beer. My post will be about something different.

It has been a month since I arrived to the beautiful country, hundreds of kilometers away. A lot of people asked me during the time, what is the nature like, if I like local girls, how long should I stay and also if I’m happy. I was thinking about these questions (ok, at least about the last one) for quite a long time.

I could be happy that one of my travelling dreams came true. That I’m slowly discovering hidden beauty of a different environment and society. That my stay here shows me a little bit the possible ways of my future steps. That I can take part in activities that I like and thus help the others. That I found a bunch of good friends who don’t care that the only connection is being at the same time at the same place and speaking one language.

English however distinguishes between two different words – the fact in the previous article could be named as ‘being lucky’ whereas the word for human feeling is ‘happiness’ (also used in the title). Last week I learned about a possibility to describe my happiness in 1-10 scale from my predecessor Martin (however, he might have been talking about alcohol 🙂

It’s pretty hard to answer such a complex question. But – yes, I’m happy. That I have a place to stay, what to eat, work to do and that people back in CZ still haven’t forgotten about me.. And it’s quite a good feeling.. 🙂


vamos a la playa

Povidani k fotkam jsem presunul primo k nim (odkaz je nahore), takze tady tento clanek necham pouze pro vyjadreni k nim 🙂

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I moved the comments to the photos directly to them (the link is above) so I’m leaving this post only to discuss about the photos 🙂


prvni hromada fotek / the first load of photos

Omlouvam se za male zdrzeni pri nahravani fotek na internet a za velke zdrzeni pri doplneni popisku k nim 🙂

Fotky i s popiskama najdete po kliknuti na odkaz Fotky (nahore, pod obrazkem)..

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I am sorry for a little delay in uploading photos and a also for a big delay in providing a legend to them 🙂

Photos as well as comments are available after clicking on Photos link (above, under the picture)..