Uz vice lidi mi vycetlo, ze jsem uz asi zapomnel psat, tak se to pokusim napravit. Jak by rekl Pavel Kacir, tohle je takovy “nouzovy prispevek”. Mam v zaloze jeste par temat, ale nejak nemuzu posbirat sily sepsat je. Uz proto, ze cely minuly tyden jsem marodil s nachlazenim a poranu mi vzdycky trvalo aspon pul hodiny nez jsem vydaval zvuky podobne reci tvora radu Homo sapiens sapiens.. A pritom bych mel vlastne spise oslavovat..
V patek to totiz byly 3 mesice, presneji 13 tydnu, ktere jsem stravil v daleke zemi. Mozna malo, mozna moc, pro me nic az tak noveho, uz se mi podarilo takhle dlouho nebyt doma i kdyz jsem byl v Praze a ta je relativne za rohem. Co me ale privedlo k melancholicke nalade bylo neco uplne jineho. V nedeli odjela Yvonne, holandska trainee, ktera tady byla (tusim) od cervence. To je vicemene bezna zalezitost. Ze ale behem dalsich 2 tydnu odjedou dalsi 4 lidi a pres Vanoce tu zustaneme dva, to uz nezni tak nadsene..
Takze se mi ani do nejakeho psani moc nechce a radeji se snazim shanet informace a premyslet o tom, jestli budu moct pres svatky zustat tady ve skole, kam nejlepe a nejlevneji do ciziny pro razitko do pasu, co vymyslet na Stedry vecer a hlavne co budu delat pak – az mi tady skonci staz a vratim se z cest. Pocitam nejdrive nekdy koncem unora. Poradite mi? 🙂
(poznamka pod carou: je to taky takovy maly test toho, kdo vsechno to moje povidani cte, tak se nestydte a prispejte do komentaru 🙂
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Some people accused me that I probably forgot how to write already, so I’ll try to make friends with them again. As Pavel Kacir would say this is an “emergency posting”. I’ve got some more topics to be shared but I just can’t get myself to doing anything. Maybe also because the whole last week I was a little sick and it always took me at least half an hour in the morning to be able to produce sounds that might have been similar to a language of Homo sapiens sapiens species.. Although I should have been celebrating..
On Friday it has been 3 months, 13 weeks to be exact, since I arrived in this far-away country. Maybe a lot, maybe just too little, nothing that weird for me, I’ve even spent more time away from home being in Prague only, and it’s relatively quite near. A reason for my melancholic mood was something completely different. Yvonne, a Dutch trainee who spent almost half a year here, left on Sunday. Quite usual. But the fact, that in the next 2 weeks 4 more people are going to leave Costa Rica and that only 2 of us decided to stay here during Christmas, that is quite weird..
Which hopefully is an excuse for my not writing so much recently. I rather spend my time on gathering information and thinking if I can stay here at school during holidays, where is the best and cheapest possibility to get a foreign stamp into my passport, what my plan for Christmas Eve will be and what my next steps after my traineeship and travels are going to be. Earliest at the end of February. Any advices? 🙂
(note: it’s also a small test who is reading my blog, so don’t be shy and express yourself in the comments 🙂