A abych poslednim dnum a tydnum ucinil zadost, napisu dneska jeste jeden prispevek. Programem minuleho vikendu byla navsteva Narodniho divadla, zabavniho parku a oslava narozenin. Ale poporade.
V sobotu jsme vyrazili do mesta prohlidnout si nejake pamatky. Vzhledem k tomu, ze jich tady je jeste mene nez v Ostrave (ktera je znama spise pro cenne statky pod zemi), nebylo tak slozite se rozhodnout. Narodni divadlo bylo postaveno podle francouzskych vzoru a otevreno v roce 1897. Je vzacne tim, ze nema orchestriste, ale zvuk je reprodukovan slozitym mechanismem pod podiem a casti hlediste. Nevim, jaka je toho vyhoda, ale kazdopadne je to vzacnost – podobne je na tom pry asi jen 5 divadel na svete. Pripadalo mi velmi male, ale mistni obyvatele (vcetne nadsene pruvodkyne, ktera prednasela skupince americanu) jsou na nej velmi hrdi. Taky rikaji, ze je to jedina hezka budova ve meste – ale nemaji pravdu. Videl jsem dva, mozna tri dalsi pekne domy..
Vecer jsme stravili v San Pedro na Calle de la Amargura (“Ulice horkosti”), ktera temer primo navazuje na kampus Universidad de Costa Rica a kam studenti chodi zapijet sve uspechy a neuspechy (proto ta horkost).
V nedeli jsme se vypravili do zabavniho parku. Me uz nejmene dva dny predtim suzovaly pomerne neprijemne bolesti zaludku a strev, takze jsem uvital, ze kdo nechce na atrakce, nemusi platit. I kdybych byl zdravy, tak bych na ne asi nesel 🙂 Dobre, maximalne na tu vodni skluzavku. A auticka 🙂 Kazdopadne vsichni se vyblbli jak male deti, ja udelal nekolik fotek a opetovne se na polednim slunicku pekne opalil.
No a odpoledne jsme na Martina prichystali darek k narozeninam, dort a krabici plnou sladkosti s logem jeho oblibeneho mistniho fotbaloveho klubu. Vypadal docela prekvapene a na druhy den prisel dekovny e-mail. Neni zac, rado se stalo. A vsechno nejlepsi 🙂
Tento vikend nejspise nikam nejedu, jinak bych asi nepsal tri prispevky behem sobotniho vecera..
-= * =-
And for having the last days and weeks complete, I’m writing one more post. Last weekend saw us visiting National Theatre, diversion park and birthday celebration. Here it is..
On Saturday we decided to see some sights in the city. While there is even less number of preserved buildings than in Ostrava (that is know more for its beauty under the surface), it wasn’t so hard to decide. The National Theatre was built according to the French originals and opened in 1897. Its value is also in absence of orchestra pit that is replaced by a complicated sound system under actors’ and also viewers’ part of the theatre. I couldn’t see any advantage in it but anyway – it’s a rarity, there are only about 5 other theatres in the world similar to this one. It seemed really small to me, but the locals (including enthusiastic guide who was having a lecture to some Americans) are very proud of it. They also say it’s the only nice building in the city – but they’re wrong. I’ve already seen two, maybe three more nice houses..
We spent the evening in San Pedro in Calle de la Amargura (“Street of bitterness”) which is just outside the Universidad de Costa Rica campus and where all students go drinking to their successes and failures (that’s the reason of the bitterness).
On Sunday we went to a theme park. I was having stomach and guts problems several days already which meant I was quite surprised (positively) that I didn’t have to pay entrance fee since I didn’t want to go to any of those crazy places for having fun. I wouldn’t go there probably even if I were healthy 🙂 Well, maybe the water coaster. And tiny go-karts 🙂 Anyway – everyone was having fun, enjoying their time as little kids, I did several photos and got suntanned again.
And in the afternoon we prepared a little birthday gift for Martin, a cake and a box with his favorite local football team badge, full of candies and cookies. He looked quite surprised and the next day he sent us a very nice e-mail where he thanked us. You’re welcome. And happy birthday 🙂
I’m probably not going anywhere this weekend, otherwise I wouldn’t be sitting here and writing three blogposts during Saturday evening..
2 replies on “divadlo, park a narozky / theater, park and birthday”
No hlavne ze jsi se opalil 🙂 To vis za chvili je tu zima, snih -10 stupnu a to se clovek moc neopali 🙂
i think i should copy and paste your posts to my blog!
well, you did end up doing something on Sunday. And so you better write it down.
and then let me know, so I can copy it.
And thanks for the birthday surprise. =)