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vecere s rodicema / parents' dinner -
Costa Rica 06/07

vecere s rodicema / parents' dinner

Byl jsem pozvan, abych se zucastnil vecere, kterou organizovali mistni aiesecari pro sve rodice, aby se navzajem seznamili, aby vedeli, co delaji ve volnem case jejich deti a taky aby predstavili nas – vysledek jejich prace. Ze zacatku jsem z toho nebyl nadseny, protoze jsem netusil, jestli se ode mne bude ocekavat nejaka rec, ale kdyz mi pak objasnili, ze nic vic, nez kratke predstaveni neni potreba, uklidnil jsem se. Zlatymi hreby vecera pak byly proslovy Kanadana Martina, ktery dokazal ve spanelstine vychvalit svuj pobyt v Kostarice naprosto neuveritelnym a emotivnim zpusobem, a Mexicanky Kariny, ktera naopak pritomnym rodicum precetla dopis sve matky, ve kterem popisovala vecne dilema materskeho ochranneho pudu a podpore detem v jejich cestovani, zazitcich.. (Karina ma za sebou nejakych 6 let aktivniho clenstvi, kdy mimojine vedla narodni pobocku v Mexiku) Na tvari nekolika maminek se pry objevily slzy..
Tri hodiny, ktere jsme stravili v (mimochodem velmi luxusne vyhlizejicim) prostredi tenisoveho klubu, ubehly docela rychle, za coz jsem byl docela rad, protoze jsem jim moc nerozumel, ale na dalsi pokracovani nebyl cas. Rano se muselo brzo vstavat…

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I was invited to join local aiesecers for their evening with their parents on Friday. They wanted to their parents to get to know each other, about their free-time activity and also to present us – as a result of their work. I was not very pleased when I found out that I was supposed to do some speech, but then I calmed down since my presentation was only to be short introduction about myself. The highlights of the evening were two – Martin, the Canadian guy, was talking about his 8-months experience in Costa Rica, his passion for the traineeship, country and local football club, and Karina (the Mexican trainee) with a letter from her mom addressed to other parents – her mom was mostly talking about her feelings and dilemmas between “protecting” their children and supporting them in their travels, experiences.. Both of them were talking with a lot of emotion and some mothers were said to have even tears on their faces..

We spent three hours in that (quite luxuriously looking) Tennis Club, fortunately for me (as I haven’t understood a lot) they passed quite quickly and then we needed to leave. An early wake-up was planned the next day..

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