Ne, nezblaznil jsem se z horka 🙂 Nadpis je totiz uryvkem z pisnicky (“jedeme na plaz..”), kterou jsem sice jeste neslysel v originalnim zneni, ale holky si ji zpivaly cely vylet. A pritom to zacalo pomerne nevinne..
Ve ctvrtek probehl po MSN tento rozhovor: “Ahoj, Yvonne kupuje jizdenky na vylet, mas 2 minuty na rozmyslenou, jedes taky?” – “Jo, jedu.” – “Fajn, jedeme v sobotu rano.” – “OK.” Taky vam v tech vetach neco chybi? Spravne, cil vyletu jsem se dovedel az v patek o pulnoci a na mape to vypadalo svinsky daleko. Na moji otazku, jak dlouho to tam trva, jsem dostal odpoved “To je kousek, asi 4 hodiny..” Ok, fajn, za 4 hodiny se busem nedostanu ani z Prahy domu, pri ucpane dalnici mozna ani do Brna, ale tohle misto vypadalo jako na konci sveta. Ptal jsem se dal: “Myslis tady tohle Puerto Viejo, to na konci tehle cesty?” – “Cesty?” a hlasity smich.. Radsi jsem nepokracoval ve zjistovani dalsich podrobnosti a sel spat..
Mobil (ktery byl nyni na nejaky degradovan na pouhy budik) nezklamal a ve 4.40 jsem pln nadseni vstal a s usmevem na tvari sbalil posledni veci na cestu. No dobre, tak jsem to zkusil.. Pomalu jsem se zvedl, oblikl, vzal batoh a stale jeste v polospanku jsem nasledoval Karinu smerem k mistu, kde by mel zastavit autobus. Po dobu cesty se nic moc zvlastniho nestalo. Az na fakt, ze poslednich 15 kilometru jsme absolvovali na necem, co ani pri nejlepsi vuli neslo nazvat silnici a menilo sedadla autobusu v masazni kresla – po asfaltu nebo sterku ani pamatky, udusana hlina plna vymolu nabadala k opatrnosti, ale nas ridic nedbal na vyrazy obliceju svych zakazniku a sinul si to s nebojacnosti sobe vlastni 🙂
Samotne mestecko ale nezklamalo a nabizelo spoustu prilezitosti k ubytovani, vyletum do okoli i nocnimu zivotu. My jsme se sli ubytovat ale mimo mesto, do penzionku blize plazim (a sli jsme je hned vyzkouset). Barva more volne prechazejici mezi modrou a zelenou, na horizontu nic (i kdyz tam asi nekde jsou ostrovy) a temer prazdne plaze. Co vic si prat – vitejte u Karibiku mimo sezonu. Jidlo i piti (i mistni pivo) byly velmi dobre, ale o tom urcite bude nektery z dalsich mych prispevku. Odpoledne tradicne prisel dest a ten mi muj pocit z vyletu trochu zkazil, jeste dva dny jsem ty veci susil :-/ Chteli jsme si koupit jizdenky na cestu zpet, ale narazili jsme na ponekud sverazny pristup prodejce za okynkem, ktery pote co dohovoril s pritelkyni zjistil, ze po nem neco chceme a rekl, ze prave zavira. Tak pred nasima ocima provedl smrtici kombinaci “Start – Vypnout..” a ujistil nas, ze kdyz prijdeme rano, tak mista na odpoledni autobus urcite jeste budou..
V nedeli rano jsme si vypujcili kola a vyrazili na ponekud vzdalenejsi plaze, kde bylo jeste mene lidi (odtamtud je druha polovina fotek) a kde se mi podaril zatim nejcennejsi fotograficky ulovek – chameleon. Z dalsich zvirat jsem za tech asi 15 minut na poloostrove potkal jenom spousty jesterek a jeste vice mravencu – byly dokonce poznat cesticky, kudt prenaseli veskere veci do mravenist, jeden proud mravenecku tam a jeden zpatky 🙂 Cekali jsme jeste, jestli nam treba nespadne na hlavu nejaky kokosovy orech, ale nikde nic. Nastesti – stipancu od ruzneho hmyzu uz mam vic nez dost a to mi prozatim staci.
Na zpatecni ceste se vyskytly tri neprijemne momenty – prvni jeste v samotnem Puerto Viejo. Cekal jsem ponekud benevolentnejsi pristup k casu odjezdu, ale aby ridic pribihajicim cestujicim ujel, protoze bylo 16.01, to jsem nezazil ani u nas.. Druhy moment prisel za pul hodiny splasene jizdy mezi vymoly. Vzhledem k blizkosti panamskych hranic a neexistenci oficialniho hranicniho prechodu je tato oblast pomerne znama pasovanim drog, takze uprostred klidne krajiny nas cekala policejni kontrola pasu a zavazadel. Ze zacatku jsem byl trochu rozladeny, ale po informaci jedne mistni spolucestujici, ze na tom miste pred par dny jednoho policistu paseraci zastrelili, jsem to zacal chapat.. No a posledni negativni moment – sobotni bourka uzavrela dalnici, takze cesta zpatky netrvala 4,5 hodiny, ale rovnou 7.. Zacinal jsem si rikat, ze Ceske drahy na tom nejsou zas tak spatne.. 🙂
Nakonec, hodina sem nebo tam, jeste tady budu dlouho tak neni kam spechat..
-= * =-
No, I haven’t becomed crazy because of the hot weather 🙂 It’s just a part of a song (“we’re going to the beach..”) that I haven’t heard yet but the girls were singing it the whole time of the trip. Although it started quite innocently..
On Thursday this conversation happeden throught MSN: “Hi, Yvonne is buying tickets for the trip, you’ve got two minutes to think about it, do you want to go with us?” – “Yes, I’ll go.” – “Great, we’re leaving on Saturday morning.” – “OK.” Do you also miss there anything? You’re right, I was told about the destination on Friday midnight and it seemed terribly far on the map. As a response to my question how long it take to get there I was told “It’s quite near, about 4 hours..” Ok, great, in 4 hours I can’t get from Prague to my hometown and when the highway traffic is stuck maybe not even to Brno, but this was as at the edge of the world. So I kept asking: “You mean this Puerto Viejo at the end of this road?” – “Road?” and loud laugh.. This was enough, I didn’t ask anymore and went to sleep..
My mobile phone (that has been used only as a simple alarm clock lately) was working well and on 4.40am I got up full of enthusiasm and with a smile on my face I packed my stuff for the trip. Ok, at least I tried.. I got up slowly, dressed up, took the bag and half-asleep I was following Karina to the place where the bus should stop. During our journey nothing special happened. Except for the fact, that the last 15 kilometres could not be called as “road” and changed the bus seat into massage armchairs – no asphalt or gravel and holes everywhere made drivers slow down and be careful. Only our driver resisted the look in the faces of his customers and still held the accelerator pedal at the floor without any fear 🙂
The village itself was very nice and offered a lot of opportunities for accomodation, trips and nighlife. We went to get accomodated outside the village to be nearer to the beaches (and tested them immediately). The color of the sea slowly changing from blue to green, nothing on the horizon (but there should be some islands somewhere..) and almost empty beaches. What more could we wish – welcome at the off-season Caribbean. Food and drinks (and even local beer) were very good, but this topic will be discussed in some of my next posts. In the afternoon the rain came (as usual) and my feeling from the trip was a little damaged, I didn’t have my thing dry for the next two days :-/ We also wanted to buy tickets for the way back, but we’ve only experienced a little strange attitude of the reseller. After he finished his phone conversation with a girlfriend he found out that we want something from him and told us that he is closing the office. So he made the fatal combination “Start – Turn off..” in front of our surprised faces and assured us that if we come the next morning there will surely be tickets for the 4pm bus..
On Sunday morning we borrowed bycicles and headed for a little further beaches that were even emptier (the second half of photos is from these beaches) and where I was able to get my so-far most precious photo – a chameleon. I also saw a lot of other animals during those 15 minutes on the peninsula – bunches of lizards and even more ants – you could also recognize the paths that they used for transporting things to the anthills, one way there and the other back 🙂 We were expecting some coconuts falling on our heads but fortunately nothing happened, those insect bites were quite enough.
During our return way three unpleasant moment occured – the first still in Puerto Viejo. I was expecting more easy-going attitude but I think that even in my country I haven’t seen a driver to drive away from the running passengers because it was 4.01pm.. The second one came in half-an-hour of crazy driving between the road holes. Since the Panamaniam border was near (around 15 km) and inexistence of the border crossing this area is known for drug smuggling which meant a police control of our passports and luggage in the middle of a peaceful countryside. I was a little disappointed about it but when I was told that a policeman was shot on this place by smugglers a week ago, I started to understand.. And the last thing – due to heavy storm the highway was closed and we had to take a detour which prolonged our journey from 4,5 hours to 7.. I began to think that Czech Railways are still quite a good service 🙂
Well, in the end, I’ll be here for at least another three months so why should we hurry..
6 replies on “vamos a la playa, tu tududu..”
ahoj premo, murmotko (konecne sa mozes spanielov spytat co to znamena:-)
konecne ti pisem, citam vas vsetkych – duro, kyslik, paja, zdenka, a ostatni … krasne zazitky, velmi pekne pises …
drz sa, a enjoy
hey there, my precious daddy.
well, let me tell u first of all that i already know the song:D
about the trip to the beach:P.. massage armchair? hmmm:) better than the one from Xpro? – u know i’m, i guess, the only one in the cc that didn’t try it?:P
hugs. and talk to u later.
Vamos a la playa… to je mi povedomy, takovou nejakou odrhovacku jsem urcite slysel:)
Teda, musim se pridat, tohle el diarrhio fakt stoji za precteni, a ta fotka z more je fakt bozi 🙂
ari, na to slovo jsem uplne zapomnel, zeptam se jich 🙂 jinak dekuju za pochvalu, i ja zdravim a taky si uzivej praxe!
antzu, my sweetie 🙂 how is it possible that you know the song? unbelievable .. 🙂 concerning the massage armchair – i didn’t like it very much so i think you don’t have to feel bad for not trying it..
jirko, jak je to mozne, kdes na ni prisel? ja sem ji neslysel jeste ani tady v radiu :-/
zdar kysla, dik, tvoje zapisky jsou tez hodne dobre – pocitam, ze kulturnich soku mas o dost vic.. co se tyka fotky, nebyl to umysl.. 🙂
a co j?? vim? ale jestli to m?? b??t nějak?? nov?? p?ÂsniÄ?ka, tak to je asi něco jin??ho, j?? si vybavuju, ??e jsem to musel sly??et dooost d??vno.